Select box manipulation ChangeLog 8 February 2009 Sorting no longer has the wrong options selected. selectOptions now takes an array. New selectedTexts (like selectedValues) 6 October 2008 ajaxAddOption documentation (in source) update. removeOption can take an array. new selectedOptions minified version 17 June 2008 available under a MIT/GPL dual license. Callback function for containsOption is passed on the index of the found option 14 December 2007 removing options by index now works again 12 September 2007 new selectedValues plugin - returns values of selected options as an array 27 July 2007 cache (created when adding an option) is removed when removing options if you supply a second parameter to removeOption and it is true, then the option will only be removed if it is selected as well 15 June 2007 addOption is now much faster when adding many options (no longer causing an 'unresponsive script' dialog box) 22 May 2007 Packed version available using Dean Edwards' Packer: 5 April 2007 ajaxAddOption takes two additional arguments - fn (function to call when after the options have been added) and args (arguments to pass on to the function) New containsOption plugin, for checking if an option is within the select list 20 February 2007 removeOption can now take a regular expression (useful if you want to remove multiple options in one go) 13 February 2007 addOption can also replace options that already exist with the same value selectOptions can clear previously selected options new copyOptions now allows you to copy options from one select to another 2 February 2007 Fix for Safari 2.0 - couldn't add option 5 December 2006 Select option(s) by value with 'selectOptions' Based on code by Mathias Bank (